Women and Girls Lead Global uses documentary film to educate and empower women around the world. They showcase stories as powerful as the women who tell them, championing women’s rights across the globe. After years of important, influential work within the United States, they expanded their presence internationally. As a result of this growth, they needed an updated voice that represented the much larger movement they’ve undertaken.
I was fortunate to take the lead with House of Gül and WGLG to establish a voice and visual identity fit for a global audience. See more at womenandgirlslead.org.
Client: Women and Girls Lead Global
Agency: House of Gül
Date: Summer 2015
Services: Copywriting, Creative Direction
Women and Girls Lead Global uses documentary film to educate and empower women around the world. They showcase stories as powerful as the women who tell them, championing women’s rights across the globe. After years of important, influential work within the United States, they expanded their presence internationally. As a result of this growth, they needed an updated voice that represented the much larger movement they’ve undertaken.
I was fortunate to take the lead with House of Gül and WGLG to establish a voice and visual identity fit for a global audience. See more at womenandgirlslead.org.
Client: Women and Girls Lead Global
Agency: House of Gül
Date: Summer 2015
Services: Copywriting, Creative Direction